Thursday, August 22, 2013

How to Drive Traffic To Your Website Through the Warrior Forum

Driving traffic to one’s website or webpage with the warrior forum is not something hard as most people might think. The Warrior Forum is an ultra-busy internet marketing forum where many people meet to talk about issues relating to making money online via internet marketing and other home based online activities. Members of the forum can also launch their products such as eBooks and carry out online marketing and advertising on the same making them more competitive. The forum can be used to drive traffic to your business blog or web page enabling you to get more visitors (customers) and as a result earn more income online. This can be a solution to the problem of traffic generation which is commonly faced by bloggers and website owners. There are many tactics which can be used to drive traffic to one’s site but if not well used, they might not bring the desired results.

One way of using the Warrior Forum to drive traffic to your blog or website is through forum marketing or advertising. Forum marketing has become one of the biggest causes of referral traffic to a commercial website or blog. As people log into your website to read about a new product or service advertised in the Warrior Forum, they will in the long run bring traffic to your website. In its initial stages this might not seem as much but as more people read on the advertisements and also leave a comment they will eventually become a source of traffic. The forum marketing will definitely become a source of income to you.

Secondly, develop a link or connection to an old post on your blog and website. During the forums an instance might arise which requires an answer posted long ago. Learn to retrieve them from the archive and look for the URL of the same. This will provide an answer to individuals hence encouraging a lot of them to follow your blog and/or websites after discovering that your past post are relevant to current needs, wants and problems.

In addition, the Warrior forum also displays the number of people viewing their forum threads. First of all this will enable a user to know how many people are actually interested in what they post regarding internet marketing. This will enable a user to actually determine their potential traffic. Secondly, this has enabled easier access to answers unlike in many other forums. With this advantage in hand, it becomes easier to use this forum in driving traffic say to your blog or website. It is really profitable to be a user of such a forum but ensure you create a links to your Google plus, website, blog page or any other relevant website so as to allow users get an access to your websites thus boosting your traffic.

Driving traffic to a site using the warrior forum needs a lot of consistency. You should put significant effort in posting frequently in order to attract more and more people and bring them on board. Learn also to capitalize on other websites majorly the social websites via social bookmarking social sites like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, Google Plus and others. These sites will enable you acquire traffic. Also make your content in the Warrior Forum as informative as possible. Good information will encourage a lot of online visitors to follow your posts and eventually links to your sites. You will not be surprised to realize the increased income you will earn from this.

In conclusion, driving traffic to ones website with the warrior forum should now be a simple thing to understand and carry out after the simple highlights I have outlined above. Strive toward using these golden ways such as the Warrior Forum to bring in more traffic to your blog or website.

How to Drive Traffic To Your Website Through the Warrior Forum

How to Attract Visitors to Your Website with YouTube

YouTube is one of the most popular Google product. It is generally a video sharing website but one can use it for much more for example marketing products and services. YouTube can also be used in attracting visitors to a website. This is in fact very much possible because research has it that good quality online videos attracts a lot of visitors to one’s website. If you need to attract more visitors to your website, then by using a combination of watchable and readable content in YouTube you will achieve your full potential. Recently online videos have starting to gain more use than written materials advertising because the online versions normally express the messages better and more efficiently. Below are some tips to get you up and going with YouTube.

The initial stage in using YouTube to attract visitors to your site is having the information on how to establish a YouTube channel. Using the recent one channel layout will make your marketing work across all screens enabling showing out more of the content. Learn to create an attractive channel icon which will act like a profile picture. It should possess the main theme of your channel thus attracting the relevant people to watch the videos you will post. Include clickable links of your social websites and your own web pages in the descriptions of the videos to enhance the number of visitors to your websites.

To attract visitors to your website practice posting new videos on YouTube. Sharing your business or products using video content can be comfortably done using your YouTube channel. When online users watch your content they will eventually directly or indirectly bring traffic to you website. People will also visit your other social sites making it the best strategy to attract traffic especially to a commercial website. However, this can only be achieved if you include relevant links in your videos and the description part of your video.

In addition, you should create regular content and in a consistent manner. If you update your channel with new and interesting content, you will be directly keeping it alive and active hence increasing its presence in YouTube. Upload your videos as frequent as possible and ensure the right content is in the relevant place and order for the consumption of your audience.

To Attract Visitors to Your Website with YouTube, you can also use annotations which are text overlays in your videos. They can be put over the videos and help in layering text in order to give the video full of interactivity and engagement. Ensure that the annotations you use are moderate because if you overuse them, they can turn away viewers and reduce the overall viewing rate. Learn to personalize the different aspects of annotation including size, color, type, design etc.

Featuring the uploaded video in other social sites like Facebook after posting on YouTube is also another strategy of attracting more visitors. Featuring will ensure you get views from both YouTube and your other sites thus increasing the number of viewers and in the long run bring more traffic to your website. Ranking of videos is a popular activity in YouTube, you therefore need to remain vigil to know your rank. If you get top rates then be assured that you will gain popularity. Remember to include your sites URL in the videos. The advantage of this is that after people watch it they can make some follow up and finally bring traffic to your website.

To conclude, how to attracting visitors to your website with YouTube is as easy as 1 + 1 so long as you have the right information. It is your duty to follow the above tips if you wish to succeed in this endeavor. In the end you will have more traffic to your website which will be signified by more returns in terms of capital.

How to Attract Visitors to Your Website with YouTube

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

How to Generate Autopilot Income Online

In this article I will talk about how to generate autopilot income online. This process requires a lot of time and commitment in order to make it a reality in terms of success.

The tedious work involved should not be a discouragement because the autopilot income online once properly established will be easy to handle and will generate a lot of capital. This will be an active source of good income to you for a significant period of time. Several steps need to be looked at in order to establish a good source of internet income via autopilot. With todays’ easy access to the internet, the process is much easier as compared to the past.

To generate autopilot income online you first need to develop an active website. If the website is designed well, it will in the long run have more affiliates and increased blogs on it. The website will help in marketing your products and services hence increasing clients who will be visiting the site, order products and also carry out other financial transactions. Ensure that your website is well designed, having all the information concerning the products and services which you offer.

Create a reliable traffic source in order to ensure that traffic is always maintained in your website throughout the financial seasons. Traffic is the main source of autopilot income since when many people visit your website, they will make you earn income almost automatically.

This therefore means you will need to look for traffic sources that will ensure a constant flow of traffic. Organic search engine traffic can be used to attract traffic since it allows online users look for some key information in your website. Internet article marketing traffic strategy can also be one of the best ways to make autopilot income online via maintaining traffic to your site. It acts as an advertising tool through which your online business will be known to many people. To earn more with autopilot online income, create forum traffic to enable get more visitors who will be participating through online debates and also leaving feedback and comments.

For one to make good income online, the payment systems need to be as reliable and accessible as possible. You should use payment systems that are recognized the world over such as PayPal in order to receive maximum profit . Since the products to be sold are digital rather than physical, instant delivery systems need to be put in place in order to attain customer satisfaction which will in turn encourage more clients and finally lead to the acquisition of increased online income.

Develop a mailing list in order to increase your chances of success by having emails of returning and new clients. A mailing list will help send messages on products to your customers. The messages will act marketing and advertising strategies for your website and it will all be free with the help of the internet. This system will definitely increase earnings to your websites account. A list building system for that matter will need to be set up in your website. The system will needs to have the information which will give directions to those who customers who will need to use them in order to receive new product information.

In conclusion, how to generate autopilot income online should not be an issue to fear but one to actually start on immediately. In starting you should put the above tips and recommendations to practice and making money online will be easily achievable to you and to virtually anyone who is outgoing and has enough guts to take risks.

How to Generate Autopilot Income Online

Seven Ways to Bring in Massive Traffic to Your Blog

In this article I will compile the most effective and recent ways of bring on massive traffic to your blog that are recommended by blog experts. Massive traffic is essential for anyone carrying out an online business.

The more the traffic to your website the more the income you expect to earn. This is because many people are visiting your website to do things like purchasing products, collect information or even subscribing to services offered where they have to pay for the service hence making you earn a living from the money you get online.

This therefore emphasizes the need to know the ways towards creating and maintaining traffic be it to your blog or to your website or even to your website via your blog.

1. Eye catching profile.

The first step in bringing massive traffic to your blog is by developing a comprehensive and eye catching profile. Many people will be attracted to your blog because of the profile information they get to read when they first visit your blog, this therefore means that with a well-established profile expect a higher traffic in your blog of both new and returning readers.

2. Using social media.

In addition, social media has off late been the meeting point of many individuals, this include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google plus and others. To bring traffic to your blog, sharpen your marketing skills using the social media platform. You can achieve this by using the available online tools which publish automatic social media links in your blog posts that can enable readers share the blog post to their social media pages where their followers or friends will get to read the post and eventually form new visitors to your blog hence an increase in traffic.

3. Contests and Promotions.

Contests and promotions are things which have been statistically proven to have the ability of attracting the attention of many people. As the owner of a blog, be creative enough to come up with interesting competitions and have small rewards for the winners. The contest can be inform of questions, puzzles etc. This can seem expensive but with time you will be able to benefit from the increased traffic towards your blog.

4. Blogging current information.

To bring on massive traffic to your blog, learn to publish current information and also share current content from other internet sources. It is well known that information is power and this means that many online users when they come across an interesting headline about any lifestyle issue say music, education or health matters they will be forced to click into your blog to read more on the same. This means anyone who needs to attract more blog traffic must have new information and interesting new posts.

5. Proper timing.

Timing is also a critical issue in driving traffic to your blog. If say you make a post of an ongoing event when people are asleep, are you going to get any blog hits? The answer is definitely no. ensure that your posts are done when people have the time to be online and not when they are asleep or busy at work.

6. Using online technology.

Use some of the new online technology currently developed for example the Google plus page which to some extent act as blogs on their own. The advantage of this is its ability of being compatible with many online sites without necessarily changing anything or tweaking any settings. It will put you at a higher chance of having an increased traffic base to your blog for example in the instance of linking your blog with Google plus.

7. Using RSS Feed.

Finally, setting up and RSS feed button for your blog will also make it get more traffic because it will make it easy for your loyal readers to not only read your blog but also know whenever you publish any new content to your blog.

In conclusion, seven ways to bring in massive traffic to your blog briefly mentioned above will give you great results if followed correctly. It is indeed great joy to any owner of a blog who gets an increased number of people following your blog.

Seven Ways to Bring in Massive Traffic to Your Blog

Friday, August 9, 2013

How Marketers can make profit from the new Gmail Tabs feature

Marketers can benefit from the new Gmail Tabs feature to a great deal. The new Gmail tabs which is the most recent upgrade of Googles email service is a feature that automatically sorts all emails to different buckets/ tabs. The three tabs that are included by default are promotions, social and primary. The different tabs if used well can bring a lot of profits to an online organization. It is important to note that Google has also provided the ability to create custom tabs and assign email addresses to this tabs.

The Promotions Gmail tab for instance can be used by organizations in carrying out advertisement campaigns of the products they offer. The emails are going to face fewer contemporaries meaning that there will be less chance of wholesome deletion due to a messy pileup. In the long run this will create a high chance of attracting the attention of the Gmail users. The promotional emails when sorted out into this tab will give a higher chance for the user to check out the emails unlike in the old fashioned single inbox tab. This tab can thus be used for marketing because it becomes more effective as emails are sorted out automatically. Marketers will benefit more in this tab since it virtually creates a container for all their marketing email campaigns.

Marketers can also benefit from the new Social Gmail Tab. They can market their products by post pictures of their products and send them as emails which are linked to social sites like Facebook, Google Plus and Twitter. The tabs are independent so when and individual logs into their Gmail accounts they can see the tab which is placed on top and also the number of unread emails contained in the social tab. This gives a person more concentration when reading the emails because they are of one type. Marketers can take this to their advantage by sending the social emails and rest assured that readers will give them maximum attention. With the new social tab marketing emails will go unnoticed by the users of Gmail.

The new Updates Gmail tab does the work of holding confirmations, receipts, statements and bills. It can be useful in that it helps marketers deliver their bills, statements and receipts on goods purchased. The fact that it is a separate tab ensures that the user will pay up all the money owed earlier thus the more the profits to the marketers. The updates tab also holds newsletters and blog subscriptions. With the newsletters marketers can include information concerning their products which will ensure that more people get to know their goods and services and eventually become their customers.

Lastly, the new Forum Gmail tab is also another important burst in the business sector. It holds mail from online groups, discussion boards and mailing lists. Marketers here can create forums about new and existing products and send emails to their mailing lists. Marketers can easily make a lot of profit from this because the feedback they get form for example the online groups will make them improve their products and service delivery hence remaining competitive in the market.

your website in the case of a company Google Plus page or your own professional picture which must have a trustable and professional picture of you. Be sure to smile in order to display your confidence in your pictures. All this tips will help increase your website’s traffic.


How Marketers can make profit from the new Gmail Tabs feature

How to drive traffic to your website with Google Plus

How to drive traffic to one’s website with Google Plus has become a major issue in the business world. The fact is that this is possible. Google plus  is a social network and also an identity service which is an integration of various Google services including Gmail, Google search and the Google Profile. This has made it one of the largest social network in the world. Google plus is nowadays rated besides Facebook and Twitter due to its popularity. Just like through Facebook and Twitter, Google Plus can also be used to drive traffic to an individual’s commercial or business website.

One of the major ways to drive traffic to your website is by setting up an attractive Google plus profile. This will encourage users to link up with you because they know more about you unlike when no profile has been created. Whether the profile is one for your actual business or yours as the owner of the online business it must be attractive. Learn to put eye-catching pictures of what you are offering in your website with direct links embedded on the pictures. This will make sure that one gets to your site by simply clicking on the picture. It is a known fact that many people are attracted by eye satisfying pictures. As for the online business Google Plus profile it is ideal that the appropriate words which talks more about the business are put in the profile. They should describe the product and services being offered by the organization thus acting as a marketing strategy. Make sure also clickable links are created which lead to the official website for online users to easily access it.

Learn to share content and information which is related to your website through Google Plus such as posts. The posts should have keyword which have hyperlinks to the URL of your website.  Sharing such information will most likely encourage people to visit your site thus increasing your traffic. Ensure to work tirelessly popularizing your web page with new and interesting posts every working day just like blogging. This is because old content will eventually become archaic and lead to disinterest among the people in your contact lists such as circles and those following you. If you practice this correctly you will eventually attract more and more traffic to your website.

Posting at the right time and frequency is also another strategy to ensure that you attract more traffic. You need to determine the targeted traffic and do the posting accordingly with basis on their time zones. The right time is usually during weekends when people have the time to go online. Ensure you use the most attractive and captivating words on the first sentence of your posts. Always be innovative and use the much used social media feature known as the hash tag (example #my website) to make your posts more interesting thus increasing your traffic.

In conclusion, in order to drive traffic to your website you must consider the above tips. Another helpful tip is to set an attractive cover page with some information of what your website contains. You can also set a profile picture that either displays some content of your website in the case of a company Google Plus page or your own professional picture which must have a trustable and professional picture of you. Be sure to smile in order to display your confidence in your pictures. All this tips will help increase your website’s traffic.

How to drive traffic to your website with Google Plus

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

How to start an internet business from home

Starting an internet business from home is a very important decision for one to undertake. This can be frustrating and tiresome in the initial stages if one does not know the DO’s AND DON’T’s. Having your own internet business is not a one day thing because you need to work it out with a lot of concentration and willingness in order to achieve your goals. This article is ideal for people looking for a way to make a full time living out of the internet form their homes.

Several steps need to be followed when starting an online business form home. The first one is to develop a logical business plan. The business plan will enable you put into paper what you actually need to carry out, it makes you know where to source funds ,establish the target market, know competitors and also creating a customer base. The plan will make you meet your goals and objective in an organized manner.

Creating a home office is the next step. This office will facilitate an environment with less noise and proper lighting to ensure that no distractions are encountered when carrying out your work. This will ensure focus is maintained and productivity enhanced. The office will provide a place to store your customer information like in a cabinet or a computer. Ensure that the home office is fitted with communication gadgets like phones, printers, and most importantly a steady internet connections and others which will make sure that constant communication with your online and offline clients is maintained.

Starting an internet based business from home needs development of a business website. Make sure that the website has a simple design and brings out clear information on what your business is offering as this is going to attract potential customers. Include good content in the website to make it more interesting and ensure that clients getting access to the website are not bored but will look forward to accessing it again and using your online platform to acquire what they need. Ensure that your site has a value to those visiting and worth the time.

Have a web blog that you will be frequently update just the same way online journal are done. The blog will be a communication base allowing people to get updated on the status of your business and what new product to be expected. The web blog links will also provide a nice environment for advertising and marketing your online business in social sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Marketing is necessary for internet business to succeed because without any platform to promote yourself potential customers cannot find your products.

Financing your online business needs a lot of consideration. With the availability of many financing options, developing a new internet business can be done very easily. Taking a bank loan to finance the venture is a common way of establishing a new online business. Those internet business startups without the required security for accessing conventional lending can use the small firm’s loan guarantee as an option. Customer transactions should also be made easy to order and avoid any slowness in processing them. Your customers must also have a popular way of paying for the goods they buy from your business for example PayPal and payoneer.

How to start an internet business from home is a common question asked by those interested in starting it. If the above processes are followed to the later, there will be no difficulty in venturing into online business and above all getting success right from the comfort of your home.

How to start an internet business from home

Seven Mistakes to avoid when starting a business online

Mistakes to be avoided when starting a business online are essential to those who are interested in coming up with a new online business. Knowing the common mistakes will save them the cost they would incur when correcting the mistakes and will also ensure that no losses are incurred during the whole process. The pitfalls need to be known and avoided as much as possible.

  1. 1.      Interruptions and destructions.

Allowing interruptions and destructions is one of the mistakes to be avoided. As an online business person, you need to cultivate the normal corporate office culture where courtesy and focus is maintained in all working hours. This will enable you gain focus on the one task of starting and managing your online business. Ensure that you are not interrupted by children or other household chores which can be done later. Switch off your phone to avoid social calls and texts from friends not related to the business and this will ensure you give your young business maximum concentration.

  1. 2.      Lacking a marketing strategy.

You must not lack a marketing strategy. Learn to position yourself right in the market through a proper marketing strategy. Failing to establish a proper market strategy can cause a lot of challenges when starting your online business since you will not be able to know the right people to focus on. A proper marketing strategy will also help you popularize your business through establishing the necessary target market in order to avoid loss of customers to competitors and to ensure that the services needed are provided effectively.

  1. 3.      Not having a separate office/work space for your work.

Not having a separate office is another mistake to be avoided. Despite the fact that starting an online business doesn’t need an office, not having one will be a big problem. A moderately sizable office or work space will be necessary to ensure that documents are kept in a strategic place and avoid being scattered or lost. The office will ensure that inventory, paperwork and appliances are kept well and easy to access. The office will help you avoid misplacement of products and it will keep you organized in carrying out your online business.


  1. 4.         Over spending time in leisure.

Over spending your time in leisure with friends can also be a problem if it is not in check. This is because online business requires dedication and time in order to be successful especially in its initial start. In order to have a good foundation you must learn to distinguish between business and leisure.

  1. 5.         Do not over work, at least have breaks.

Online business requires so much commitment especially because you can easily work from home. In order to be more productive you must ensure that you get breaks in between your work schedule such as lunch and dinner and even some time for entertainment or walks. The human body is normally fatigued after a long period working thus breaks will be necessary to rejuvenate your muscles.



  1. 6.         Enough Rest.

Doing business online is normally accompanied with overworking because the work is always so near you. This makes you get very exhausted very early and become less productive in the long run. It will also make you less productive and less competitive in the market if you do not take a goodnight’s sleep when the night falls. Make sure as much as you are hardworking you rest and have time to relax to make you more productive and creative.

  1. 7.         Disorganized business structure.

Disorganized business structure lead to failure and not success. To remain growing you need an organized business environment where things are done in a smooth way. For the business to grow an organized environment is very essential and may with time include the need for partners or assistants to help you tidy up and manage your business effectively and towards growth and profit.

In conclusion, mistakes can always be avoided and the list that I have compiled above will help you avoided them when starting an online business. There are plenty more mistakes but the above are essentially necessary to be avoided in order to succeed in growing your business.

Seven Mistakes to avoid when starting a business online

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

These Are The Top Traffic Methods I use.

I am going to expose my traffic methods here for all of you to see and use to achieve your own success online. Anyone can do this.

This is what I did to make my first $1000+ Day

I helped by answering discussions questions daily on the warrior forum with a link in my signature so people can check out the product I am promoting. I sent out 1 solo ad 100 clicks for around $40 bucks or so. I created one free wso with a software product I had created before with a OTO for the front end funnel product I was promoting. I also got a top banner spot on the WF for 1 day.

Total Spent on traffic was:

1 solo ad: $40

1 free wso: $40

1 top banner WF ad for 1 day: $100

total spent was $180

commissions generated:

Front end $42 (x2)

$1200 (1) high ticket product sold

total profit was $1102 after amount spent is deducted.

this is essentially all I did. Most marketers will not give all this info but I like helping people out so there you go! :)



These Are The Top Traffic Methods I use.

7 Hot Secrets of The Highest Paid Internet Millionaires

Find out what the Internet millionaires know that has made them so successful.

Internet millionaires don’t acquire their wealth and success by luck of the draw. They know the secrets to success. These secrets are so valuable that if you implement them, you will succeed in your own Internet business.

There are two general types of secrets that Internet millionaires know which include external and internal secrets. We will discuss these secrets in detail in hopes that you will use them to your advantage and become an Internet millionaire yourself.

First, let’s look at the external secrets that Internet millionaires have in their tool kit.

Internet Millionaire Secret #1: Internet millionaires recognize that strategy should be the foundation of any marketing plan. It is critical to have a marketing strategy and not just jump into marketing techniques. For example, we don’t have to use mass advertising anymore because mass advertising doesn’t have strength because consumers have choices. You would have wasted valuable time and money if you used mass marketing techniques without first strategizing about the state of the market.

Internet Millionaire Secret #2: Internet millionaires are not generalists. They focus on selling their products and services to specific niche markets. The business market in general is going in the direction of niche markets because customers have more choices regarding places to buy their products.

Internet Millionaire Secret #3: Search for and grab untapped markets. Seek out people that have not been able to have access to your product in the past. In untapped markets, you don’t have to deal with competitors which helps keep the marketing costs down. In addition, you will be able to establish a rapport and trust with your customers.

Internet Millionaire Secret #4: Your backend strategy is crucial to success.

You want several profit centers that allow you to sell your products and services to more customers. The backend part of your company supports these profit centers. It diversifies your business so you are bringing in money through many different areas. You can’t rely on retiring early if you only have one profit center.

Internet Millionaire Secret #5: Try to automate as many services as possible. This will allow you to sell services 24 hours a day 7 days a week online. Automate your service centers to cut down on costs and help your customers at all hours of the day.

Internet Millionaire Secret #6: Set up your business so that you are replaceable. You can make yourself replaceable by branding. Branding encompasses yourself or the value that you provide. Branding yourself is lucrative, but it doesn’t allow you to take a break because you have to make every decision. Branding your value, on the other hand, sells your expertise and not your time.

Internet Millionaire Secret #7: Don’t work alone; build a team to support your business venture. Create a team of marketing, business, a mentor and accountability individuals. Remember, two heads are better than one so you can discuss ideas and strategies you have for your business.

Internet millionaires also have internal secrets. An Internet millionaire has self confidence and believes in their product. They are able to make decisions quickly. They have learned the correct information and modeled others that have proven success. They are not afraid to make a mistake and realize that their job doesn’t define who they are. One of the most vital secrets is that Internet millionaires persevere and never give up no matter what obstacles cross their path.

7 Hot Secrets of The Highest Paid Internet Millionaires

How I Made My First $1 Online

Many times people talk about making millions online but for me I just wanted to make my first $1 and when that happened I was so excited. This is how I made my first dollar online. Enjoy and let it inspire you to also do the same.


How I Made My First $1 Online

Monday, August 5, 2013

How to Accomplish Any Task You Want When Your Body Does not Want to!

The number one difference between those who are rich and those who are not is time management and learning to overcome procrastination to accomplish what they need to do in their day to be successful for that day. Here’s a simple trick I like to do to overcome procrastination and get my butt moving to complete my tasks for the day.

What I like to do is a simple trick called the 5 minute technique where i say im only going to work on a task for 5 minutes.

Because of the low time frame my mind does not put up a big fight so then i sit down to do whatever I need to do for 5 minutes and once I start I get into auto mode this gets me going to complete the task. Two hours later im grateful that I sat down to do it and the task is completed.

Try it out and let me know what you think

How to Accomplish Any Task You Want When Your Body Does not Want to!

How To Disable the New Gmail Tabs Feature

Internet Marketers everywhere are upset because of the recent changes that Gmail has made to include the new tabs feature which I think its pretty stupid because it can cause you to miss emails that you are actually looking forward to.

Because of this new change when you email subscribers on your list usually those emails end up in the promotions bucket even the name itself connotates that it should not be read unless the person has time because it is a promotion which may not necessary be the case because If I send an email showing you how to post a youtube video that is not a promotion but a helpful articles.

Anyways marketers here’s a tip to work around this.

On your next mailing send this to your subscribers to disable this feature.

Here’s how to disable Gmail tabs.

  1. Go to the Settings box in the upper 
right hand corner of your inbox and 
choose Settings.

  2. Click on the “Configure InBox” tab, then 
unselect all the categories except 
Primary and then click the ” SAVE’ tab below.

That’s all.

Once they do this they will receive all their emails like how Gmail used to work.

like or comment :)

How To Disable the New Gmail Tabs Feature

How I Made My First $1000 Day Online!

So several weeks ago I heard an internet marketer I was closely following was selling his sales funnel as a franchise. The stats show that about 97% of people trying to make money online will fail but about 97.9% of franchises will succeed. That’s staggering that more people that buy a franchise succeed and very staggering that most people that try and make it on their own fail.

So with these facts in mind it was a no brainer to me that I had to get a franchise from this guy. The internet marketer who I bought his franchise is Dean Holland. I have been following him for some time and he is legit with thousands of success stories from other customers I had to jump on the band wagon. He had already fine tuned his sales funnel so all i had to do was drive traffic to the funnel and I was set.

With this in mind I started working on driving traffic to the funnel. I purchased an 100 click solo ads and launched a free WSO on the warrior forum with emphasis on getting people to the sales funnel that Dean provided. So it was pretty incredible because last Thursday I got a call from Dean Holland congratulating me for my first sale. I was so excited I nearly fell off my chair when he told me I had made $1200 dollars in one day.

OMG, I could not believe it. After 4 years of blood and sweat my dream is finally becoming a reality. Now there only lies one path for me. Cranking more traffic into the sale funnel and seeing my profits increase.

Cheers to an excellent 2013.

How I Made My First $1000 Day Online!